A practice of mindfulness can be something totally private, yet so filled with goodness that it simply permeates the atmosphere and ripples it’s incandescent energy to others…
Wisdom for the ages infused by single track, snow, and spiritual adventures.
Hello and Welcome to SpiritScout!
Yup, only worse…
All in Spirit Stuff
A practice of mindfulness can be something totally private, yet so filled with goodness that it simply permeates the atmosphere and ripples it’s incandescent energy to others…
Personally, I don’t think we have been living our core values as a culture, or as global citizens; so much feels strangled right now, from Congress to our climate. Collectively and individually we are being given this time to reflect, refresh, and reignite our true soul’s purpose on this earth: how to live at our highest good.
There is a reason there are so many portals to the path—the divine light beings are looking to connect with us in any way they possibly can.
…it's the hallmark of being emotionally literate and connected in the process of a genuine conversation…
In its simplest form, we make good Nakoma by practicing good Nakoma: treating others as we would like to be treated.
My monkey mind is constantly swinging from tree to tree, grabbing bananas, pitching peels, sending texts…
That's the day my wise, intuitive middle daughter gifted the 25th anniversary edition to me.
Booze: keep it or leave it? It's a question I had flirted with over the past several years…
When the terrorist in my head took a break, I napped or had short lucid periods…