Adventure: Chamonix

Engaging with nature at this exhiliarating level is always thrilling, gratifying—and terrifying. The environment and conditions were exceptional, but we also skied on high alert, navigating our way around a vast range of skier ability as they scissored down the mountain.

Adventure: Slovenia-Croatia-Venice

After a short morning shuttle heading south and inland to cross the border, we ceremoniously bid ‘Zbogom’ to sweet Slovenia and ‘Zdravo!’ to chic Croatia. On board our bikes we found the peaceful rolling roads mesmerizing as we wound through dense forests and fig tree groves terraced with virtually no traffic after the busy initial climb.

The Friction Audit

The result? We have reduced some of the micro-resentments that plague all couples, and we have developed more awareness about mutual consideration. I highly recommend this as a healthy refresher for any relationship dynamic.

Holding My Feet To The Fire 

And here is the oyster to this story: this concept is imperative right now because Carl Rogers found within the UPR practice is a curious paradox: that by creating a safe space of acceptance for what simply IS, the energy that creates growth and change then has a place to ignite.

Kitchen Rebel

Two kitchen hacks that I’ve created also feed my irreverence and creativity when it comes to seasoning. A cook’s seasoning confidence is what transforms good food into great food.

Vertigo In the Rear-View

Attitude is the difference between an adventure or an ordeal, and while this experience was both, I think my deep desire to recapture my state of wellness was the magic sauce. The body is genius at recovery and resilience, and it is always, always striving to return to a healthy homeostasis.

Living In Liminality 

But it is satisfying to name this interim time and space and I do love the word liminality. It kind of shimmers and sparks, and being in a mindful place during it I can see myself in a kind of slow motion. I can see and feel more gratitude for the hot coffee and the running water, and I can make more consciously aligned decisions as I bridge to the next thing.

My Meraki Garden   

There are three parts to the framework of a spiritual life: insightful relationship with oneself, a strong personal value system, and a fulfillment of meaningful purpose. We each create and explore our unique spiritual paths using our intuition, influences, and appetites as our guide. The energy source for this growth is Meraki, the soul creativity or core put into something, the essence of our self that is devoted to our pursuits.

The Third Thing

For us, the antidote to boredom is to arrest the feeling that that we are waiting for life to happen—or that it is passing us by­. Life. Be in it’. is our watchword, and by making playtime a priority, it helps us to create momentum as a couple.

Savvy Summer Hacks

The Japanese have a word ‘otaku’ which means when one becomes obsessed with an idea, product, or hobby they simply must tell their friends all about it. Well, SpiritScouts, this is what I’m excited about right now, so I’m sharing this éclat of hacks with you to inspire some summer fun!

Adventure: The Hamptons

The next day we headed to Sag Harbor, starting our day at Carissa’s Bakery, a instagramably chic spot filled with people wearing very white Chloé Nama sneakers and Alo nude leggings. Eating artisanal pastries and sipping coffee concoctions in this precious setting felt like hooking up to an IV bag filled with Hampton Vibe drip.